Dongheon Lee
Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), in Smart Sound Systems under the supervision of Prof. Jung-Woo Choi. My research is focused on deep learning-based single/multi-channel speech enhancement and source separation. My interests also include microphone array signal processing, AR/VR, and automatic speech recognition (ASR).
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Research Interests
- Deep learning for speech enhancement and source separation
- Microphone array signal processing
- Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR)
- Automatic speech recognition (ASR)
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, KAIST (2020.3 - Present)
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering, KAIST (2016.03 - 2020.02)
- Changwon Science Highschool (2014.03 - 2016.02)
Work Experience
- Research Intern, SK Hynix (2019.06 - 2019.08)
Selected Publications
- D. Lee, and JW. Choi, "DeFTAN-II: Efficient multichannel speech enhancement with subgroup processing," IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., 2024.
- D. Lee, and JW. Choi, "DeFTAN-AA: Array geometry agnostic multichannel speech enhancement," in Proc. Interspeech, 2024.
- D. Lee, D. Choi, and JW. Choi, "Real-time multichannel speech enhancement using Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network and non-overlapping synthesis window," in Proc. Interspeech, 2023.
- D. Lee, and JW. Choi, "DeFT-AN: Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network for multichannel speech enhancement," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 2023.
- D. Lee, B. Jo, and JW. Choi, “Direction-of-arrival estimation with blind surface impedance compensation for spherical microphone array,” JASA Express Lett., 2021.